Copier Leasing
The Advantages of Leasing a MultiFunction Printer from Piper Cobey
Get more for your money, lease a copier at 75% off the original price
Have you thought about what copier options you can afford to get? Auto Feeder, Duplexer, Network Printing, Faxing, Stapling Finisher? Well think again, If you are buying a copier in Columbus, Ohio we can help you get all the options you want at a price you can afford. When you are ready to get more information about leasing copiers, fill out the copier request form.
As an Independent we can offer you leasing options the dealer can't. The first and most obvious difference is price, with us you will start with a lower price. We provide the same great copiers as the dealers at a 75% lower cost. So, how much would a copier cost you at the dealer? How much did you pay for your last car? If you are shopping at a copier dealer you might as well be shopping at a car dealer because it going to cost you the same. Most new 50 to 60 cpm copy machines will cost you $20,000 to $30,000 and that’s before you add in a few thousand for a service contract. Most small businesses couldn’t afford these office machines and most dealers would go out of business if leasing were not an option. With leasing, that $30,000 becomes a payment of $600 to $800 per month. But what if you could start with 75% off that $30,000 price? That would give you a copier cost of $6,500 and a lease payment around $200. That’s going to save you over $5000 per year. I’m sure your business could find some use for an extra five thousand dollars this year.
There are a couple other benefits that will also help your business when you lease a copier with Piper Cobey. With us you are not limited to one brand of copier, working with an Independent means you get to choose which brand you want to use. You can lease Canon, Sharp, Toshiba, Minolta, Ricoh and other brands of copiers. The second advantage is that we can further reduce your cash outlay by incorporating your service contract price into your lease. This can reduce your monthly payment significantly. Secondly, unlike our competitors, all our leases have a $1 buyout option at the end of your lease. You have the choice to continue using your copier at the end of your lease at no additional cost. This can also be a huge savings.
Other Benefits Of Leasing a Copier:
* Conserve your capital with affordable monthly payments, no application fees, and generally requires no down payment. Use your working capital for business opportunities or emergencies.
* Expand your total available credit by supplementing your working capital and other lending arrangements.
* Leasing provides fixed-rate financing over the term of the lease with payments that are predictable and easy to budget.
* Leasing offers 100% financing of equipment and its associated costs, service contracts and other costs can be included.
* Flexible end-of-term options allows you to make the best possible decisions – at the end of the lease term.
* Leasing can provide tax advantages.
* You can also structure payments around the seasonal revenue generated by the business. We can make it so payments are due in only certain months of the year, or high-low structures as well.